KI-GA ROASTERS は、現在準備中です。

2021/02/17 14:44

フレーバーコーヒーお試しセット 個包装 8袋入り




Hi everyone!

Lately We launched assorted flavored coffee set with individual bags. It's easy to make a great high quality flavored coffee in one min! I don't know it is just me, sometimes I am lazy to brew coffee. If you are coffee drinker and want to have a great coffee absolutely brew a coffee is the best way to taste a coffee. Well...Sometimes again I am lazy person I want to make a coffee with already packed so that I just make a hot water and pour into my mug. wait one min. My coffee is set! That's what I want to do in the morning. Coffee filter?  Paper filter? Wait about 10min? Clean up a grinder? Clean up a coffee machine? No! No! No!  Don't worry about your hustle! We are here for you. Try out our set of 8 flavored coffee with individual coffee bags.